When you have not the font, font in the template will fallback to system default one such as Times New Roman. Does a template have to be used with the matched font? Yes.
Please contact us or upload image to make a new template. How can I do when no fonts are proper? Please upload image to identify font.
When you buy any font with a price greater than $56.9 in Store, you can get a template which use this font, or let us customize a template for you for free. How can I trust you? You can verify our reliability by the following ways: E-mail, Teamviewer remote view, demo screenshots, demo video, PayPal resolution, etc. What should I do if the payment fails? You can test USDT,, Skrill, TransferWise etc. If you still can’t download it, please contact us by e-mail to get it. QNA Can you guarantee I can download after payment? If you can't see the download link of font after payment, please refresh page 1-3 times. 🏬 Notice: When you buy this bitMatrix-D1 font, you can request The Home Depot Receipt Template 1 or Walmart Template 2 or Tesco Template 1 or Aldi Template 1 or Target Template 1 FOR FREE via E-amil. Buy bitMatrix-D1 family fonts, get one font free!