Note that by defaut the number of resource is also scaled depending of the number of players (CS included)īosphorus Strait is a sea : place a sea tile between the Black Sea and the Aegean Sea. Resources : a coefficient appliqued to the number of resources placed on the map. When you use it with the other options, the script may not be able to place as much CS as selected in the top slider. This will not be used when using the Totally random option, and will replace randomly a CS with TSL that is placed under the minimum distance when using the Random and TSL option. Totally random : All City States get random placementĬity-States separation : minimum distance between CS and other civs.
Random and TSL : this option will use TSL for the CS that the script can place, and use random selection for the others or those which were too close of another civ Only TSL : use only CS that have a TSL (40 available for giant earth, 23 for huge and 12 for standard)
City-States Placement : placement option for the city-states